Bridge | Tunnel
Stahl Sheaffer provides structural engineering for the design of bridges of all construction types and span arrangements, and NBIS inspections for bridges and tunnels. Our staff includes professional engineers dedicated to bridge structural engineering, Certified Bridge Safety Inspectors (CBSI), and Nationally Certified Tunnel Inspectors (NCTI) who have experience designing and inspecting structures for public agencies, municipalities, energy companies, and other clients.
Sample Bridge Clearance Scan:
Bridge Design Projects
Bridge & Tunnel Inspection Projects
Stahl Sheaffer was chosen by PA DOT in conjunction with the Snyder County commissioners to be in charge of the ever important NBIS Inspection and Certification process which happens every year. Their reports and documentation have been stellar and the County is very pleased...I would highly recommend Stahl Sheaffer Engineering for any work and for any award that recognized them for the work they have performed."
Joe Kantz, Chairman, Snyder County Commissioners