SR 2006 A01 over Mackey Run Bridge Replacement
PennDOT District 2-0, Harris Township, Centre County, PA |
In 2010, Stahl Sheaffer delivered the final plans and specifications for the SR 2006 over Mackey Run bridge replacement project to PennDOT Engineering District 2-0 one full year ahead of schedule. Stahl Sheaffer realigned the streambed to its historic alignment and relocated the bridge to improve safety. Stahl Sheaffer managed and/or performed all aspects of the transportation development process, including: archaeology, historic resources, stream relocation, public involvement, utility coordination and relocation, alternative studies, 4(f) resources, agricultural resources, 2-d hydraulic analysis, and traffic calming measures. Stahl Sheaffer facilitated ten well attended, highly-publicized public meetings and obtained public input to development of alternatives, leading to the final solution.
Stahl Sheaffer Engineering (SSE) excelled on the completion of Part 2 of this agreement, accelerating the controversial project resulting in letting the project nearly one year ahead of the originally scheduled let date. SSE performed very well at facilitating the public work shops meeting the needs of the Department as well as other project stakeholder. SSE was very responsive to the project's needs, often times meeting with residents or design team members on very short notice. Jeff Sheaffer performed very well at both the technical end of the design and facilitating the public's needs into the project. It was a pleasure working with SSE on this project.”
- PennDOT District 2-0 Project Manager