Zediker Station Interchange
Washington County, PA |
This project involved the proposed development of over 900 acres of land along Interstate 70 between the Route 519 and South Junction Interchanges. A Point of Access Study was required for the project, which involved requesting approval from PennDOT and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for a new interchange on I-70 to support the development. The study included the analysis of the existing and proposed interchanges along I-70 and I-79, and the analysis of the intersections directly off of the study interchanges both with and without the proposed development’s anticipated traffic.
The preliminary interchange design of a new diverging diamond was developed to support the planned mixed-use development and increase area connectivity. The project area, located within the urban boundary, provided various constraints for the construction of a new interchange: minimal interchange spacing, high traffic volume corridor with closely spaced interchanges, intricate geometry constraints, and location within an area of planned reconstruction. The preliminary interchange design plans included the establishment of design criteria; coordination with PennDOT, FHWA, local and State officials; geometric plan view of the interchange ramps; acceleration/deceleration lanes; add/drop lanes between the I-70/I-79 South Junction and the proposed Zediker Station Interchange; and signalized intersection design of the proposed ramp intersections on Zediker Station Road. Stahl Sheaffer also provided a profile plan view, cross sections, pavement marking and signing plan, identification and preparation of design exceptions, required right-of-way identification, and preparation of a cost estimate.