WV State Capitol Dome 360 Scan
State of West Virginia, Kanawha County, WV
![]() Stahl Sheaffer collected nearly two billion data points of the inside of the West Virginia State Capital Dome to provide historically accurate rehabilitation data for construction of a moisture intrusion repair project. High-resolution 3D point cloud and 360-degree imagery was captured and processed. The scanning covered the entire circumference of the dome area which is approximately 230 feet. Scanning was performed utilizing a FARO Focus 330X HDR phase-based laser scanner on a high-resolution setting. Data collection consisted of high-resolution colorized point cloud data that will be used to document the precise elevations and extents of each unique plaster banding element with reference points from locations that will remain in place such that all components can be reinstalled in their existing location. The reference points consist of non-destructive mark, tags, stickers, and tape to ensure the points would last for the duration of the project. Location and radius of the existing walls and reference points were established so the walls can be replicated in their existing locations.