Atherton Street Corridor Overall Improvement Effort
Borough of State College, Centre County, PA |
Stahl Sheaffer was responsible for an overall improvement effort which required involvement in public meetings, coordination with the Borough and landowners, CDBG funding, and PennDOT HOP application and approval. The project included the creation of pedestrian friendly sidewalks, traffic signals, lighting, and landscaping within this gateway to downtown State College. Stahl Sheaffer managed a team of highway designers, traffic signal designers, landscape architects, coordination with State College Borough, Penn State Campus Planning and Design, local property owners, and PennDOT. Stahl Sheaffer provided the master plan, HOP plans, preliminary and final roadway and traffic signal plans, traffic control plans and PS&E package per PennDOT publications. The initial step included reviewing appropriate studies to understand existing proposals, and to determine opportunities for improvement, including the Comprehensive Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Study (prepared by Stahl Sheaffer Engineering, 2008), Planned Intersection Safety Improvement Program (prepared by Stahl Sheaffer Engineering, 2010), the Atherton Street Pedestrian Fence Concept Plan (prepared by Dan Jones, 2011), the Downtown Vision and Strategic Plan, and the West End Revitalization Plan.