Pollock Halls Façade Assessment
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA |
Stahl Sheaffer assessed the facades of nine residence halls in the Pollock Halls complex to identify and implement repairs needed to stabilize and preserve the integrity of the building envelopes until the buildings are renovated. The university’s current plan anticipates renovation of the nine buildings starting in the year 2022 and finishing in 2029. Nine buildings were assessed, using high lift equipment and including roof-level and ground-level features.
Stahl Sheaffer developed a list of deficiencies and assigned a rating to each and prepared a cost estimate based on unit cost and quantities recorded during the assessment. Typical deficiencies included points of water infiltration, deteriorated mortar joints, masonry spalls and failures, concrete spalls and failures, and sealant joint deterioration. In addition, Stahl Sheaffer identified emergency repairs that needed to be addressed immediately and created details for those repairs. Data was delivered in spreadsheet format with pdf field markups. The spreadsheet serves as a tool for master planning of repairs over five to 10 years. Stahl Sheaffer has already begun design of repairs on worst case conditions as part of a supplemental contract. |