Chemical & Biomedical Engineering Building
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Stahl Sheaffer provided construction engineering support to the contractor throughout the preconstruction and construction phases for Penn State’s new engineering building. During preconstruction, Stahl Sheaffer provided review of the phased demolition of the existing building including reuse of basement walls to serve as site retaining walls during construction. Analysis and design for soil nailing was required, as the existing walls were found to be insufficient to retain the earth behind them once the connected floor above was removed. An evaluation of the new building framing, as detailed by the engineer of record, was performed for concentrated construction loading including a material handling system on elevated slabs. Stahl Sheaffer completed analysis and design of masonry support details, which were delegated to the contractor by the engineer of record.
In addition, Stahl Sheaffer completed analysis of sub-grade steam tunnels for construction loading including steel and precast delivery trucks and crane loading. A system of shoring was designed, detailed, and subsequently installed by the contractor to support the overload condition on the tunnels. Stahl Sheaffer also designed and detailed new shallow and walkable tunnel sections to connect the adjacent existing steam manhole and walkable steam tunnel with the building’s mechanical room. Tunnel design included steam pipe supports and anchors, crossover connections, new lintels, and headers where entry was required through existing walls. |
Photo of the New Chemical & Biomedical Engineering Building, courtesy of Barton Malow