Operational Speed Study, Roadway Development Area
Private Energy Client, McKean County, Elk County, & Cameron County, PA |
The Operational Speed Study was a safety assessment performed by Stahl Sheaffer Engineering for a private energy client that evaluated the safety and operational speed of a roadway that networks across McKean, Elk, and Cameron Counties. Prior to this study, the existing roadway geometries in the network had not been evaluated for a safe operating speed, and the client’s crash history showed 14 rollover incidents between January 1, 2015 and September 27, 2016.
With the use of advanced mobile LiDAR scanning and 360° imagery, the roadway geometries, including 66 miles of roadways, 68 intersections, and 902 horizontal curves, were evaluated by Stahl Sheaffer to identify safety issues such as:
Based on the analysis data, Stahl Sheaffer established an adequate speed limit, based on traffic demand and accident potential, and recommended various signage for intersection and sharp turn control. Surface upgrades, super-elevation corrections, and sight distance improvements were also recognized as crucial alterations for the client to increase roadway safety.
Subsequent to the study and implementation of Stahl Sheaffer’s recommendations in October 2016, the client’s data from August 2017 revealed that the number of rollover incidents decreased by 57%.
Subsequent to the study and implementation of Stahl Sheaffer’s recommendations in October 2016, the client’s data from August 2017 revealed that the number of rollover incidents decreased by 57%.