Right of Way Restoration
Harrison and Jefferson Counties, OH
Stahl Sheaffer provided design, permitting, management and inspection for the construction of 31 TAR’s/PAR’s for $520,000 in Harrison and Jefferson Counties Ohio. Project was completed on an aggressive 5 week schedule and $130,000 under construction bid. Stahl Sheaffer coordinated with the contractor to set daily work schedule, establish priorities and directed construction scope of work. The work included E&S controls, clearing, topsoil segregation, temporary bridges and driveway installation. Inspector responsibilities also included coordinating with landowners and pipeline contractor, construction stakeout, directing roadway maintenance activities, attending weekly safety meetings, making advanced notifications to agencies, reviewing contractor invoices, and submission of construction photo logs. Stahl Sheaffer also :
- Completed the design, permitting (for driveways and utility crossings), plans, quantities, construction estimate and bidding for the TAR constructions.
- Assisted with the preparation of the General Services and Maintenance Agreement and Work Offer for the contractor.