Geotechnical Services - Cold Weather FDRThe engineering properties of Full Depth Reclamation (FDR)-Cement highly depend on the curing environment, especially the ambient temperature. Thus, the construction of cementitiously stabilized material (CSM) is restricted in the winter by many federal and state agencies. This restriction not only shortens the CSM construction season by several months, but also increases the future infrastructure maintenance cost and influence of the productivity of cement industry. Stahl Sheaffer's cold-weather soil stabilization with cement is implemented by the inclusion of chemical additives. These additives have been widely and successfully used to reduce concrete’s freezing point and accelerate its strength development in cold weather.
Proven to Work
Cost Effective
Longer Construction Seasons
Featured Publication (above): "The Evaluation of Chemical Admixtures on the Performance of Cement Stabilized Materials in Cold Weather" ~Transportation Geotechnics 30 (2021)