Airport Industrial Park Permitting & Environmental Services
City of St. Marys, Elk County, PA
Stahl Sheaffer provided engineering and environmental services for the reestablishment of an NPDES permit at the St. Marys Airport Industrial Park. The park was previously covered by a permit, but it had expired. Stahl Sheaffer initiated coordination with DEP early in the application process. Through early coordination, we were able to gain consensus on permission to use previously approved designs and reports. Ultimately, this approach saved the client significant engineering cost. Our specific roles included completing and gathering all application forms and required attachments, performing a wetland identification and delineation of the entire industrial park, and inspection of existing stormwater basins for meeting design plan requirements. Additionally, an NPDES major modification was completed that included an infiltration basin design for a single lot development within the park. Stahl Sheaffer also performed the infiltration testing required for the basin design.